Our weekly Shreducation lessons provide the ideal opportunity to learn or improve your skills, with our fully qualified, accredited skateboard tutors. Lessons are available for both beginners and intermediates as well as adults of all abilities.

The lessons are small - no more than 6 learners per tutor, so you have plenty of contact time with the tutors and space to move around the skatepark freely.


book a place in our weekly shreducation skateboard lessons.

If you’ve not been to a Shreducation lesson before, and you aren’t sure about your level, we recommend coming along to a beginners lesson in the first instance where you can be assessed by our tutors. If you are over 18 please book the Adult lesson, whatever ability you are (there is no need to start in the beginners group). You must be 7 years old or over to come to Shreducation, or 18 and older to book into the Adult lesson.
Shreducation lessons tend to book quite far in advance, so make sure you book promptly. The other option for learners is our bookable personal 1-1 lessons.

UPDATE TO TIMES FOR ADULT LESSONS : We now run 2 x Adult sessions : Tuesdays - Intermediate Adult 7pm | Thursdays - Beginner Adult 7pm

Please note: This is not a drop in session - You must book your session online before coming along (we take booking right up until the time - if it won’t let you book, its because we are full this time)